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Old House。New Life
Old wooden Japanese house
Reopen the door and let the time flow. Welcome to join us, let us tell you these old stories and explore the cultural memories belonging to old Taipei.
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Creative cuisine in old wooden Japanese house
Food culture full of temperature
Delicate lunch, dinner and afternoon tea
Carousel (11)
The most beautiful street in Taipei
Nostalgic Japanese style
Walking tour in abundance of history and culture, spice up your life
Create your life memories
Participate in cultural activities
Slow down your own pace of life, enjoy the afternoon leisure and experience your wonderful life
Carousel (2)
Popular science guided education
Rock specimens across Taiwan
Through guided education, we hope to make the public to know Taiwan more
Restaurant Holiday

Closed on the first Monday of each month

Statistics of cultural activities

2,246 session, 39,700 people

To visit old wooden Japanese house

Wear socks when entering

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Creative cuisine

Best Ingredients of different seasons

Fresh vegetables, fruits and fish dishes, delicate afternoon tea desserts, seasonal limited dishes, showing the best Qingtian taste.

76 Fun Club

Create your own life memories

In the old wooden Japanese house with full of Japanese atmosphere, experience various cultural activities and add more flavor to life.

Guided tour of culture

Come hear the story
This land has a mysterious rhyme

The history of Taipei is not only in Qingtian 76, but also in every corner of the city! Let’s start from here, explore the context of old Taipei, and slowly move forward on the layered historical map. Let’s move slowly together in old Taipei!

Story of No. 6 Lane 7, Qingtian Street

Designed by Professor Adachi In 1931
Western and mixed Japanese house

Qingtian 76 was born in the summer solstice of 2011. This charming old house is almost a 90-year-old grandpa!It has not only experienced many changes, but also witnessed many people and things. Welcome to listen to the story of the old house together.

Recent visits


炎炎夏日即將來臨,青田七六將於 5/1 推出新的夏季菜單,選用季節食材清煮烹調,品嚐自然清爽的滋味,歡迎與親朋好友一同造訪老屋享用佳餚。



南勢角捷運站 、中和社區大學(室內導讀+特納卡體驗+涼拌茶葉體驗)、華新街市場、緬甸街





(照片與插畫取自 鳴個喇叭文化工作室 官網)